Document Type : Original Article


School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Waste generation is on the rise in most societies due to population growth. Given this concern, it would be highly important to manage municipal solid waste generated in society. Mismanagement in this area could seriously endanger human health and the environment. This paper proposes a systematic approach to optimize the operations of a waste management network for recycling Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs). In this regard, in this study, a bi-objective MINLP model to determine the best sustainable vehicle routes, allocation, and sequence scheduling problem in recycling centers with the objectives of minimizing costs and maximizing job opportunities is developed. Another important novelty of this paper is Considering waste-vehicle and waste-technology compatibility. To solve the suggested model firstly LP-metric approach is used in small-sized problems and for large sizes this approach was not efficient so the Lagrangian Relaxation (LR) method is employed. Therefore, a set of test problems in different sizes is provided.


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